(Last Updated: Nov 19, 2022)

I'm a Pre-doctoral Researcher at Google Research India in the Machine Learning and Optimization team advised by Dr. Prateek Jain and Dr. Praneeth Netrapalli.

My research interests include fundamental ML problems around understanding theoretically and empirically what deep neural networks learn, and using these insights to make them more robust and compute-efficient.

I graduated from the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), where my undergraduate thesis on methods to train ML models for future unseen data was advised by Prof. Sunita Sarawagi and Prof. Abir De . I also worked with Prof. Ganesh Ramakrishnan on parsing and with Prof. Nutan Limaye on theoretical foundations of transfer learning. Head over to the publications page to find a list of works I have contributed to.